Thursday, April 19, 2012

The End of April

Well, I got 3 fish in one night this week, and that was it. The river has not budged. No good rain coming. But there are some fish hanging out in the low-water spots. So your guess is as good as mine. This low water has impacted fishing tremendously all the month of April...


fisherboy said...

Tried same spot tonight 5 to 6:30. No junk fish, no WE either. But 1 WB at 6:30 made me rush like hell to Maumee Bait thinking I might be in the lead for big WB. Close but no cigar - 1.9? lb. But it did get me home earlier then normal & it was a "Fish Ohio". 1st time ever that I had both a "Fish Ohio" WB & WE the same year (To the best of my memory). Can a sheephead be next? Carp? Or bluegill?

Even trieed a lead jig for a while. It caught me 4 recycles before I switched back to a floater.

mike said...

fisherboy, what is a "fish ohio"?

fisherboy said...

Certain species over a specific size will get you a pin from the State of Ohio. You can get the info off the phamplet that is given with your fishing license. Or go to the Ohio Dept of Wildlife Web site.

fishjunkie said...

I got 4 on Tuesday 25 in and a 26 inch. The next day 0 in the same spot. Tough fishing.

fisherboy said...

It was a female