Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Great Catfish Debate

Well, I had to bow down to DBLDIP last night who got a whopping 21 points to my 11. I got 13 cats and 2 sheep. Although I should mention that DBLDIP had to rely on 3 smallies for 15 of his points. One was a really nice smallmouth. And if someone gets 3 smallies in 20 minutes they deserve the Whisker Award for the night. At least I got the first one and made DBLDIP pucker up and give it a big smoochie! He and I think that the catfish didn't all make it upriver during the high water because, well, there never was any high water this spring. Strange fishing season for sure...


Eugene the hunchback of the maumee said...

so where do you think they are?? the lake?

Dr. Walleye said...

If they were up your ass you would know where they are!

Eugene the hunchback of the maumee said...

wow no need to be an absolute douche bag. I asked a question where you thought they were and you respond like a douche

fisherboy said...

2 days ago i managed a 21" & a 22" among the 10 or so cats along with assorted other fish.

Gave up on that spot today because of the heat. Went to spot where I was standing in water to my belly. Only 5 little kitties (2 of which stabed me), 35 sheephead, 12 WB, 2 WE, & an assortment of others. Used minnows until i got tired of the sheephead. Actually I broke my line & I was too lazy to chase down the bobber.Picked up the WE & most of the WB on a 1/16 oz jig.

Dbldip said...

Hey fisherboy out of 35 sheep did you get your fish ohio yet? If you were standing up to your belly then you were in the deepest spot around probably. It's just incredible how low the river has been and has stayed for so long. On the news it showed the upper watershed in Extreme drought, that might have something to do with it.

fisherboy said...

No really big sheepheed was around for me. Had great days at camper for weekend. Wife said no more fish so I screwed around at campground. 1 small gill Friday & 14 Saturday. Glad i did not use live bait. At least no cleaning.

Graybeard said...

DBLDIP.sounds like we missed a good boat ride om Erie, and some really good fishing but catching not so good,,

Dbldip said...

Yea Graybeard maybe we can both go out later this week and show "The Birdpeople" how its done. Hey don't forget to get your ticket to see Obama!

fisherboy said...

Lots of fish in river. Caught over 60 WB, 18 smallmouths (to 18"), 8 cats (largest around 20"), 7 or so sheephead, a shad, a sucker & of course to keep this post on topic a 18" (or so) WE. Was using 1/16 oz jig.
A friend that started fishing earlier than I did, did not keep track of the # of fish he caught but I'm guessing he got 125 as a mimimun.

Dr. Walleye said...

Wow Fisherboy! That's awesome. I thought I did good with 25 cats and 3 smallies the other night. DBLDIP had 28 or so cats.