Thursday, August 2, 2012


Throughout the summer several of us have gotten 1, 2, or even 3 smallies while catfishing. Most are hitting in the late evening. Even one day in the middle of the afternoon recently I got 2 nice smallmouth in about a half-hour. The biggest was 18". DBLDIP banged em one night and got what must have been close to a 3 lb'er. Closer has several smallies in. All in's the most smallies I've seen in a while. Probably since I'm fishing more than my usual summer pace. It's been nice getting down there. I was trying to get any crap fish for a racoon trap but got smallies instead!...and of course threw them back. Fiesty little devils!


Dbldip said...

I bet Fisherboy could get u some bait for your trap! Went out on lake with Graybeard and Mr and Mrs Birdman on Wed. only got 76 or so perch with a lot of white perch(more than the whole year combined)probably 25 sheep or so 1 cat courtesy of Graybeard who also baggd the top fish of the day a 3 inch Goby and 4 inch perch. He is the MAN. Beautiful day but too calm.

fisherboy said...

Down at Bluegrass tonight. 1st time this yr. 8 SB (& small is the right termology) & nothing else. Had a hell of a time crossing over to fish near the rock ledge I like but found the best way is the direct way. Just walk straight back to Bluegrass & you are good to go.