Thursday, March 14, 2013

On the Drop

The river dropped from 7.59 ft on Tuesday to currently 6.36 ft at 9 pm on Thursday. As expected, the river will open up tremendously to waders this weekend. I bet in the whole river last weekend there were 100 guys tops. This weekend expect even more hardcore anglers to appear. The Towpath will have an increase, and Buttonwood will not be as open as people would expect. A lot of holes opened at Buttonwood last year, so if you skipped a year, be very careful at Buttonwood especially straight out from the blacktop. DBLDIP can tell you more. Orleans will heat up me on that one. Thanks again for all the posts. This week I had just under 1,000 hits. That's awesome, and I encourage anglers out there to post some stories and comments. Good luck to everyone on the river. Be safe. With the push of water from Indiana, I get nervous about trees floating down and impacting the boaters out there. Keep an eye on the guys around you. Let's have a great walleye season!


RTSJ said...

First post here, so Hello guys. Gonna make it out next weekend from Sat-Tues. This will make our 10th yr in a row. Gonna hit it hard for at least four 3-day weekends. We got 3 boats coming out and no we aren't any of the guys pushing waders out of the way. You see a silver and white Alumacraft with a white 40 hp Johnson say hello. Would like to meet some of you guys.

fisherboy said...

Had fish for supper. Bluegills. Drove to BW with dog. Talked to a few guys I knew. Wally got 1 at the Bridge this morning & a Mich guy got 1 this morning at the Beach. Still not fishing.

Hookteye said...

Hey fisherboy, I will give you all the cheeks from my 1st 10 eyes for a nice bag of gills! Good luck out there! I'm gonna keep fishing Fremont (closer drive) until its too low for a "good drift"

Devils17 said...

Thinking about going out today. Anyone have any suggestions where to go?

Unknown said...

On my way to buttonwood slept in. Had no Lu at Orleans and white st the last two days. Say hi ill have a blue hat and camo waders with a rope belt.

Unknown said...

Will the fishing be alright with the snow coming in saturday

Devils17 said...

I was at Orleans this morning around 8 for an hour or so. Wind chill was brutal. Water was moving pretty good and I counted Atleast three trees in the water. I might try again in a lil bit at buttonwood but with the drop on water temp. I don't see any location really being any good today.

Hookteye said...

Fished Fremont this morning with no legal success(snagged 3). A lot of guys, not a lot of fish. Guess I will hold out until the middle of next week. I've been out 4 times so far with only 2 fish to show.

KCBUCK said...

I was at buttonwood on monday and only caught two suckers and only seen one walleye taken in the 2 hours i was out... Went to ft. meggs yesterday with no luck...only two other fisherman and no walleyes taken

Unknown said...

Anyone else gonna give it a try tomorrow?

Unknown said...

Tomorrows high is 33 degrees and low is 24 degrees. 10-20 mph winds. You would have to be eiher crazy or a little stupid to try tomorrow. Especially when the chances of actually catching on is so low.

Unknown said...

Or dedicated can't catch them on the couch

Unknown said...

yeah i stick with stupid or crazy hahaha. Good luck cody. I hope you catch them and prove me wrong.

fisherboy said...

Got call at home from friend who fished at Fremont near the Hayes Bridge. Said he caught 8 & snagged a few. Trying to locate someone to fish with. Actually someone to moviate me to fish. I'm sure that I know someone at almost every location on the Perrysburg side.
(Actually hearing about those fish being caught did not get me excited. I'm sure I'll get my share.

Unknown said...

I think im going tommarow I have nothing to do and have been waiting all winter to finnally get out, I dont care if I catch anything, just want to get out and try

Kory Rockhold said...

Mr brother managed one yesterday at Orleans, it was very dark colored though, so it may have been a resident eye. My buddy and I will be up there today, not expecting a whole lot, but it's worth a shot. Prolly hit Orleans, or Shroeders if they're open up.

fisherboy said...

Stil 0 for 0. Think I may finally see the Dr.

fisherboy said...

Saw the river today from my car window after seeing Dr. Wife was kind enought to take me to White St. Saw 6 peopole at SP & it appeared some were out quite far. Def not for me yet.

Cal_Jones2 said...

I was out on bluegrass for a couple hour.. Alot of snags, but i managed to catch my first walleye of the year. a big female. Another after that, much more little but hooked from outside in so i turned it loose.. I'll be out there tomorrow, Eagles hat on. Feel free to holler at me and the crew