Thursday, March 30, 2017

More Rain!

There you have it. Another big prediction. Even if we get half the rise, we will be in so much better shape. The anglers have been stacked up this week at Buttonwood/Schroeders/Bluegrass just to try and get in the current. Only a few people are down by Orleans/White Street/Fort Meigs. People are catching them, but it's taking most guys several hours to hook one. DBLDIP scored 2 days ago!!


Graybeard said...

Well we Finally got some water, river up 2 ft from yesterday.the island will not be crowded today.DBLDIPS Raccoon Hole will be crowded today Maybe Fisherboy will make appearance .

Dbldip said...

River is projected to rise 3.5 more feet. If it does no one will be fishing.

Graybeard said...

ricer was at 5.58 and flow 13700 at 6 am

3 pm level 7.77 and flow 26500

Dbldip said...

Water now almost 5 feet higher than 24 hours ago!

Graybeard said...

weird day yesterday early they were catching fish.but as the River came up and the flow increased they stopped catching.the Flow went from 13700 to 26500 .who knows how much weight you would need to get to the bottom.

6am looks like it is about to crest 586.16 flow 33900

Boats on the Island side of the Drag strip were getting limits early.later I don't know a lot of wood was coming down the river.Maple st was a circus with the current

Graybeard said...

Where are the pictures from last night