Friday, March 30, 2012


The river leveled out at 3.6 overnight. Fishing yesterday was slow, with the east wind. Strong current was hard to find. We need the rain forecasted for today to hit us good.


fishjunkie said...

According to Gary fishing is good. The best walleye season ever. If your not catching them you must not know what your doing. How can he say that?...anyways, yes we do need the rain. Or the wind to Change. How did everyone do today?

Eugene the hunchback of the maumee said...

gary is an idiot...this has been an average year at best. That guy just wants people to pack in here this weekend and spend money at his store. I have caught a limit the past couple days but i had to work for it. It wasnt easy and the fishing certainly wasnt the best. You have to work for a limit and most didnt have their limit. You can tell by the pictures on his website compared to previous years that this year it not as good as past years.

river rat said...

Eugene, you are completely wrong. Gary is having camera issues because all those fish pictures are overloading his memory card! Anyways, I agree this is not one of the best years ever. Hopefully some rain tonight and another push of em this weekend. Funny how every payday, Gary claims the fishing is excellent!

sideways said...

Eugene i say u the other day on there with ur limit. u must be a fan of the Gary's bait . Ha.. haaaa...

Jimmie jam said...

Keep in mind, Gary is a business owner and is trying to do good business. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. He's just trying to make money, just like you and I.

Eugene the hunchback of the maumee said...

jammin jimmy you must either be related to gary or something. change your name to gary jammin. Its not right that that guy lies everytime the weekend nears. He is a scam artist that will do anything for the buck. He tried scamming people with those worthless wedding lures as well. All i am saying is tell the truth or at least close to the truth. This is far from the best year ever.

Jimmie jam said...

All I'm saying, is that from a business stand point it makes perfect sence. He not making anyone go fishing, buy a certain lure, or even shop at his store. He's just letting people know that the store is there and open and making product available for people to buy. Not to mention bring some business into the store. Personally, I don't even know Gary, I've only really talked to him once or twice. But, he did seem to be a pretty decent guy and was willing to help me with any info a new guy to the area would need. I do however run a business and understand trying to bring in clientel. That wedding ring lure, he's just making it available. If someone is willing to pay almost $3 for it, good for them. I'll loose a cheap floater out there instead. I don't know if I agree with "the best year in a long time" thing or not, but then again I've only been fishing the run for three years and have lived here six. From the pictures, reports and different post on other sites, it seems that this year isn't to bad at all. Certainly better than last year, at least for me that is. Did you ever think that maybe it's just you that's not having a good season?

Eugene the hunchback of the maumee said...

i have brought home 39 walleye this year already. I am having a decent season but have caught more in the past. Gary is a helpful guy when you need advice he just lies about the report. I am sure whatever business yoou operate you dont just lie to your customers or i hope not. I just dont like people being scammed. He makes people think its so great and then they drive miles and catch barely anything.

Jimmie jam said...

The business I run has, for the most part, grown on word of mouth alone. For a while, I also put out brochures as well. But really it's been word of mouth alone.

39 walleye in the bag sounds like a damn good run to me. It may not be a 2003 run, but it doesn't seem to bad to me. And I've only been out twice and cought one fish (I really hope that changes on Sunday).

There are a number of river reports on other sites that people can read as well. I do, and I'm sure the smart anglers check multiple reports before driving a long distance.

Eugene the hunchback of the maumee said...

My record for a run is 76 taken home in a season. Its definitelty has been harder to catch them this year than past years. I got 20+ walleyes multiple days last year and the most have caughht in a day this year has been 12

fishjunkie said...

fished for 6 hours today. 1 legal. The river was packed. I'm thinking another week or so and this run will be over. Been a tough year for me on the river. Def one of my worse. How about everyone else?.....don't seem like the fish are near as thick as in the past or just not in the usual holes.

beach5 said...

Not good for me either this year. 6 times in the usual spot and 1 fish. I am a slow learner :). Moved today and did a little better. weird spot...deep water near shallow....had to use an ounce but got one and had several more on in 1 hour. Buddy got two and had more on.

fisherboy said...

Not 1 of my better years for sure but a lot of that has to do with an unability to get to certain spots & locations. However I will not starve due to lack of WE.

Eugene the hunchback of the maumee said...
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Eugene the hunchback of the maumee said...

o come on now...this is one of the BEST EVER!!! hahaha yeah just shows how much gary lies

Bill Gibson said...

lets, see i am 50 and fished for all my life living on the huron river/wayne/monroe co here in michigan but i will drive to a town in ohio, which i have met and know in ohio,but to get to the point i dont think the fish come up the river in great number this year like i the past, i have been skunk the last 3 times and i fished bg-fm-???all i can say good luck to you all that are getting them now,and save some for next year, for me i live on the detroit river and i can hand line for them or jig or troll them, to all that have posted on "dr site " thanks and to dr thanks for keeping it going,and hope to meet up with you and fish for what we love to do and thats to fish!!!!

sideways said...

Did alright on bluegrass this weekend. Caught 5 total in two trips. A lot of work though. Not sure if I want to fish the river any more this year. It is wearing me out. Did see Eugene a cross the river on button wood. He was fishing behind the crowd in the middle of the river. I love he gets his limit behind those guys. Did also see my buddy riverrat. He was pretty grumpy, I think he done with the river this year too. Then again all it takes is for the river to get hot, and we will see.

Eugene the hunchback of the maumee said...

i wasnt at buttonwood today brah

fisherboy said...

Must be some other Eugene. It's a popular name.

usmarine301 said...

Im on my 2oth limit I fish every morning after work . Yes running low on sleep . I love fort meigs but remember why I don't love blue grass . Saw a lot of fish but complete circle jerk left with three after six hours paitence shot had to remove myself...lok��������

fishjunkie said...

Caught my limit plus 4 at bluegrass yesterday. The bite really picked up in the evening. Good day for me.

fisherboy said...

Graybeard, etc are you still alive?
Saw Birdman van today so I know he is.