Sunday, September 2, 2012

Smallie Report

While catfishing, I've gotten more smallmouth this year than usual. Last week I got a 19" very nice smallmouth. It was quite tall from belly to dorsal. It took a while to recouperate in my hands, but eventually it swam off. The catfish lately have been closer to the rocks rather than far out too. They are still biting! But the river is expected to swell up a bit early this week.


Dbldip said...

went down for a while to the regular spot for cats only got 4. River only up about 6 inches there, pretty darn slow.

fisherboy said...

Out yesterday in the evening. 1 LB, 8 sheephead & 2 WE. Have to go clean them now. Going to scale them. (Water was up a couple of inches from Thursday).

Dr. Walleye said...

Hey Fisherboy...could you teach me where to catch walleye in the summertime? Do you stuff them in your waders all spring and them bring them out for pictures in August? Actually I'm pretty impressed with those summer limits. Incredible.

fisherboy said...

Got limit today along with 11 WB, 1 white perch, 1 LB, 1 SB, 7 cats, 4 sheephhead, & 1 lonely green sunfish. Dropped a possible FO carp. Using my little 1/16 oz jigs with tiny tails. Friend I was fishing with got 2 WE & 40 some WB.