Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Please!...Just one more WALLEYE!

Walleye fishing has slowed to a crawl. I know a guy who got two this week at Ft. Meigs lower lot. Other than that, it's sparse. White bass...yes. Walleye?...good luck. I sure wish to get another one this spring from the river but time will tell on that one. Maumee beat Perrysburg fair and square this year in the 2nd Annual Challenge last weekend. Other than that, I have not heard much fellas. Let me know how it's going out there. This blog will stay updated on occasion. The more posts, the more reason I have to start a new heading, so I'll keep an eye out. We can turn to other fishing in other places and use the site in that way this summer. Yes, the focus is walleye, but I'll also report on other species in the Maumee River throughout the off season. Best wishes, and come back again. Dr. Walleye


fisherboy said...

Couple friends fr Canton caught 2 today. One waas a nice 21". Heard of guy who got 2 & another 3. BW area. As for me besides SB, QB, sheephead, catfish around 26-28 WP & WB.

Unknown said...

Thanks Doc. This spring your blog was a big part of making my first two visits to the Maumee a big success. Both my 14 yr old son and I thank you and the group. Keep it going.

fisherboy said...

Please.. Just 1 more WE? Got my this morning, a nice 20 1/2 male. Fun on ultralight, no net & fast water. Also around 20 WB & WP, etc. More WP than WB &small.

Unknown said...

fisherboy does there seem like fewer white bass in the river to you? there doesnt seem to be as many in my normal spots. Had to search out and got around 30-40 the other day but a lot tougher than previous years

fisherboy said...

Yes I believe there are quite a smaller quanity this year. I normally only fish for WB with this group from Canton. THey will leave with a lot fewer this year unless a school comes in fast & they fish 10 hrs a day.
Gary at Maumee Bait even remarks he's not getting many pictures of WB. Guess that's why.

Dr. Walleye said...

At Buttonwood last night to the right of the blacktop we only caught one smallies and one WB. I didn't see guys off the island doing very well. The storm moved through quickly and might have been a reason for slow action.

fisherboy said...

2 more

fisherboy said...

WB was hitting today - 76 incl WP. Also 1 crappie, misc others incl Dpdip favorite a gar.

Unknown said...

yeah fisherboy i fished from 230-7 and probably had between 100-150 wb and wp. They were hitting nearly every cast and had several doubles. Also saw a huge school of around 30 gar heading upriver. Couldnt get them to bite though. Do you keep all your wb? I just threw all mine back.

Graybeard said...

Fisherboy you must have been in the right place.I walked the river in the morning and only saw about 10 maybe ,but a lot of White Perch.They were using minnows and jigs.Maybe they just turned on

fisherboy said...

In answer to keeping WB I usually only fish with some guys from Canton who takes all I catch. The only catch is they have to carry them back to their camper. If I fish after they leave they are released with the possible exception of keeping 1 or 2.
I fished at Schroeder a little downriver from where their boat landing is. In fact I was the only 1 there most of the day.

fisherboy said...

Caught a mess of gills Friday at the campground. Saturday went to gravel pond by turnpike to try for a FO gill. No luck. Had around 10 8 to 8 1/2" however.
Tried Sunday evening for WB at same location as Thursday. What a diff a couple of days make. 2 WB, 2 SB & a 23" FO sheephead. It was a battle using a ultralight rod. 2nd yr in a role I obtained 1 fr the river rather than Lake Erie.