Sunday, January 12, 2014

2014 is HERE!

Welcome to 2014, fellow Walleye Warriors! I updated my blog a little bit just to show everyone that I will be back as your guide again this walleye season. Some additions: I changed the mobile page so that you can more easily access my blog from your phones. Let me know what you think. Only registered users can comment, but I changed it to make it easier. you no longer have to add in a 'word code' to post a comment. I also analyzed the data that Blogger gives me to determine if I am meeting everyone's expectations based on the use of devices other than a computer to access this page. I see that people come to this page regularly to see what's going on, which I appreciate (and which prompted me to update my page for a while this afternoon). Yep, Dr. Walleye is still here! The Closer and I got out ice fishing in the area last week. We did so-so. Mostly bass that were thrown back. Gills were hitting Closer good. As you gear up, buy your hooks and lead, make leaders, and change tactics, keep me updated with what you're doing. I'll periodically post how the river is doing. The river is still locked up with some small streams of water making their way down river (probably on top of existing ice). Again this year, I'll be using Instagram (@drwalleye) to post immediate pictures and news. Give me a follow to stay updated. I have some new pictures of the river from yesterday posted there now. Take it easy Warriors! See you on the river in 2014! Dr. Walleye


fisherboy said...

Ice fishing for crappies yet?

Dr. Walleye said...

Yes, we got some crappie, Fisherboy.

Unknown said...

Can't wait. The boys and me have been buying new gear and talking all kinds of crap for our annual tournament. I'll be sure to check back to read your updates.

Dr. Walleye said...

The ice jams have mostly made their way downriver. Midweek there were some jams at the north side of Orleans and Rossford, along with some areas by Grand Rapids. But now the river is moving fast. There are some piles along the edges and also in the slack water.