Thursday, April 13, 2017

Fish Ohio! 28 1/2" 10 lb 12 oz!!


fisherguy said...

Nice fish! Congrats! I'm jealous Doc!

Dbldip said...

Once again the water is dropping like mad. Down to 4.4 at waterville and wading to blue grass island is possible. Went down last night and got my 4 while watching a bunch of guys lined up doing nothing but snagging each other lines. Don't think just because you see them lining up like that you should join them. Try upstream or downstream and you will be amazed how it can make a difference. On the fishing front, Opie is on board with a limit on Thur while Pepe is still scoreless. Deerless Adam finally learned how its done and Doc W. pulled a goose egg last night. Pray for rain to stabilize the level back up or we will all be upriver catching eachother across from Buttonwood to Bluegrass. Know the rules, many guys don't know there is a 15 inch size limit or have a way to check their fish. Mark your pole with something like electrical tape so you don't end up paying the man for taking home a short which there are more of this year than I have ever seen. Good for future years for sure.

Graybeard said...

They were shoulder to shoulder from Ford St point of the Island to the top,and from Schroders to the last rapids at Buttonwood.From Sweigart lake to Jerome rd first Rapids and across the river on Private property about 35 people. and a dozen or so boats.did not see many fish by 1 PM .did see people keeping whitebass.3 people at Ft Meigs.flow is really low.Bait dealers happy they are selling a lot of lead and jigs no current and to much weight